Matienzo 2018

2018: In 48 years nearly 400 km of passage has been found in Matienzo, northern Spain, by the expedition. In 2018 the aim was to find new caves and to extend existing caves to help link some existing systems together. Fifty cavers took part, surveying almost 6 km of new passage and adding 168 new sites.

Read a summary of this year’s results … Continue Reading >Matienzo 2018


2018: EAGRE18 aimed to explore caves on the Wegener Halvø peninsula of East Greenland and, where available, collect cave sediments for palaeoclimate research. The environmentally-friendlier approach involved a return sailing trip from Iceland to Greenland. After 20 km of hiking, and with the help of drones, the majority of cave leads were discovered.

Find out more on the ‘caves’ of Wegener Halvø … Continue Reading >EAGRE 18