The GPF Committee

A caver climbing a ladder down the 120ft third pitch of Ghar Parau
120ft Third Pitch of Ghar Parau (John Whalley)

The Ghar Parau Foundation is a 100% voluntary-based charity that manages an investment fund to provide grant aid to assist British caving expeditions to all parts of the world. The fund focuses on those expeditions which include an element of innovative exploration or scientific study. We are also particularly keen to encourage young cavers into expedition caving (as well as sport caving) to maintain an active caving community in years to come.

The GPF Committee is comprised of four trustees, together with two ordinary members and four rotating “Active Expedition Caving Members”. The two ordinary members include the Treasurer of the British Caving Association (BCA) and a representative of the British Cave Research Association (BCRA).

The committee meets twice a year; around April time – the Spring round, and during September at Hidden Earth – the Autumn Round. The main purpose of the meeting is to review the round’s applications. The application review process is initially done individually online prior to the meeting, with a suggested grant aid allocation. At these meetings, these individual committee members’ comments are discussed and the appropriate funds are allocated according to a consensus for each application. The meetings also ensure the running of the foundation.

The current committee is listed below, along with their meeting attendance record and caving CV. Annual accounts and meeting minutes are available for download here.

Committee Attendance
Position Name (& attendance) Caving CV
Chairperson (& Trustee)Andy EavisN/A
Secretary (& Trustee)Howard Jones
TreasurerAlastair GottN/A
TrusteeNick Williams
TrusteePaul IbbersonN/A
Elected MemberAlexander HannamN/A
Elected MemberRachel TurnbullN/A
Elected MemberChris JonesN/A
Elected MemberFleur Loveridge
BCA TreasurerChris BoltonN/A
BCRA RepresentativeChloe SnowlingN/A
Active Expedition Caving Committee Members

The GPF Management Committee has 4 Active Expedition Caving Committee Members (AECCM), and they play an important role. These are people who are currently participating, and have significant experience, in Expedition Caving. Their purpose is to provide up-to-date views to the Committee about caving expeditions and serve for 4 years. If you are interested in sharing your expedition experience by becoming an AECCM, the GPF would strongly encourage you to notify them of your interest.

Learn more about the responsibilities of an AECCM and how to apply.