Expedition insurance

Cavers travelling abroad on expedition have had many concerns regarding their travel insurance – is cave exploration covered? Will the insurer actually pay out?
The BCA have been working hard on behalf of their members to solve this problem and are pleased to announce the launch of BCA Member Caving Cover.
Find more details and get a quote online at: https://www.bcacavingcover.co.ukContinue Reading >Expedition insurance

Durmitor 2016

2016: The expedition achieved its main objective of facilitating the first successful cave dive in Durmitor. Beyond the Blue Lagoon sump pool, Tony Seddon laid 85 m of line before reaching his depth limit of -35 m with the sump ongoing. A small team also visited the Tara Canyon, recording locations of several resurgences and entrances.

Read more on YUCPC’s deepest find in Durmitor. … Continue Reading >Durmitor 2016

Mulu Caves 2015

2015: Ongoing exploration in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia resulted in further extensions to the world’s 8th largest cave system, Clearwater, along with a new entrance in the Hidden Valley – Conviction Cave.

Read more on the 2015 Mulu Caves expedition, and the use of 3D laser scanners to map some of the world’s largest cave chambers. … Continue Reading >Mulu Caves 2015